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Renaissance isn't a program. It's a process that encourages academic excellence, improvement, and citizenship.

Renaissance schools often focus their programs on the following areas:

* Improving overall academic performance
* Increasing graduation rates
* Creating a positive, safe school environment

The demands and desires of students of the new millennium are changing as the world changes around them. They are on a constant quest to discover uplifting experiences, belong to something greater, build strong and unique identities, and to find success. This is achieved by recognizing the efforts and achievements of teachers and students and rewarding their academic performance through incentives from the school and community. (information collected from several different Renaissance sources)

~ Cherokee Renaissance welcomes all students to become members ~

If you would like to join Renaissance, contact one of the advisors for the Google Classroom.
All membership forms and updated club information will be in the Google Classroom.

(email an Advisor for the code)

Mr. DiPuma
Mrs. Scannel

Some Renaissance projects include:
Prepare to be a Chief Days
Freshman Orientation
Back To School Night
People's Choice Awards
Teacher Appreciation Days
Senior Pinning Ceremony
Safe Trick or Treat
Evesham Harvest Festival
Monthly Smart Cookie Awards