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All student athletes must complete the LRHSD Athletic Registration to play sports at Cherokee High School.

The Board of Education will continue to assess an Athletic and Extracurricular Activity Participation Fee for the 2024-2025 school year.


Attention Parents, Grandparents, Alumni & Future Chiefs! 

Are you looking for Cherokee Apparel?

  • T-Shirts
  • Hoodies
  • Sweat Pants
  • Hats
  • Back-Packs
  • Polo-Shirts
  • Laptop/Tablet Sleeves
  • and more!

FREE COURSE! The Role of the Parent in Sports

As a parent of a student who participates in athletics, you make a huge difference in the quality of your child’s sport experience, as well as what is being taught and learned by our youth. The National Federation of State High School Associations has provided information and resources to help educate you on the importance of proper behavior by parents in school sports.

Athletics Calendar

Full view of the

Olympic Conference Calendar