Eligibility Requirements
In order to be eligible for interscholastic athletics, students must earn 13.75 credits per semester (15 for members of the Class of 2014 and beyond) and 27.5 credits per year (30 for the Class of 2014 and beyond). There is no credit requirement for students entering from eighth grade during the fall and winter seasons.
- ELIGIBLE if a student has not reached the age of 19 prior to September
- ELIGIBLE during the first semester (September 1 to January 31) if a student has passed 25% of the credits required by the State of New Jersey for graduation, during the immediately preceding academic year, i.e. 27.5 credits (30 credits for the Class of 2014 and beyond).
- ELIGIBLE FOR SECOND SEMESTER -(February 1 to June 30) if a student has passed the equivalent of 12 1/2% of the credits required by the State of New Jersey for graduation at the close of the preceding semester (January 31) i.e. 13.75 credits (15 for the Class of 2014 and beyond). Full year courses shall be equated as one-half of the total credits to be gained for the full year to determine credits passed during the immediately preceding semester.
- ELIGIBLE immediately if transfer because of a change of residence to another public secondary school district by parents or as approved by the Executive Committee.
- ELIGIBLE after thirty (30) days from first game/meet of a sport at present school, if student received a varsity award at previous school the previous year and transferred from one school to another when parents have not moved from one public school district to another public school district and only after, "Transfer Waiver Form" has been completed and processed by both schools.
- ELIGIBLE if no influence used to retain or recruit the student.
- ELIGIBLE to represent his/her present school, if a student's parents move to I another public school district maintaining a secondary school of equal grade or higher provided he/she remains properly enrolled, any subsequent transfer will be subject to the transfer provisions.
- NOT ELIGIBLE after the completion of 8 semesters following a student's entrance into the 9th grade.
- NOT ELIGIBLE after the class in which a student originally enrolled graduates, regardless of transfer from any school during the 3 or 4-year period.
- NOT ELIGIBLE for thirty (30) days from first game/meet of a sport at present school, if student received a varsity award at previous school the previous year and transferred from one school to another when parents have not moved from one public school district and only after "Transfer Waiver Form" has been completed and processed by both schools.