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Physical Education Contract


Name_________________________     Teacher_________________         Period ____     Semester ____






                                                Cherokee High School


Physical Education Department Student Contract


To help you successfully complete the Physical Education credit requirements it is important that you familiarize yourself with the following information.


  1. Class Preparation:
    1. Attendance (1st period class):


a.       If/when your class meets at the beginning of the school day, you must be in your gym before the 7:30 a.m. bell rings.


b.      You are to report directly to your squad line for attendance before entering the locker room to change for class.


    1. Use of the Locker Room:


a.       From 7:30 to 2:27 access to the locker room will be limited to students who are in the current physical education class.


b.      Students are to be in the locker room (or gym) prior to the ringing of the late bell.


c.       No food or drink should be brought into the gymnasium area.


d.      Lockers are available for use during class periods only. A lock is required to secure clothing and valuables. It is strongly recommended that students use a combination lock.


e.       All locks and personal belongings must be removed at the end of each period. Failure to do so may result in your lock being cut.


f.       After being dismissed from your activity, students are to change and remain in the locker room until the bell designating the end of the period rings.


    1. Physical Education Attire:


a.       Acceptable attire includes: athletic sneakers, socks, t-shirt, and athletic shorts or sweat pants.


b.       Unacceptable attire examples: boots, shoes, platform sneakers, shirts with buttons/zippers/collars or inappropriate slogans or images, cut-offs, shorts with loops, and all types of jewelry and body piercing. For reasons of personal hygiene, clothing worn during that school day is also not permitted to be worn.


  1. Safety:


1.      All students are expected to adhere to safety rules and procedures as well as activity/game regulations.


    1. While incidental body contact is sometimes unavoidable during some Physical Education activities willful, flagrant, and/or overaggressive contact will not be tolerated.


a.       Consequences will include:


1.      Student will be removed from the activity.


2.      A grade deduction equal to non-participation will be assessed (points lost cannot be made up)


3.       A discipline record may be sent to the student’s Assistant Principal.


  1. Physical Education Make-Up Procedures:
    1. ALL absences from class must be made up by written “make-up” reports or by participation in an after school physical fitness activity. It is the obligation of the student to meet with their instructor either: a) prior to the beginning of a medical excuse or b) the day immediately following an absence from class to receive their assignments and due dates.


      Acceptable Absence from Class:


a.       Absence from school


b.      A physician’s note presented to the school nurse prior to the beginning of class.


c.       Administrative requests and appointments scheduled by a school counselor.


d.      Field trips


      Unacceptable Absence from Class (non-participation):


e.       Failure to dress appropriately for the activity (only 1 day may be made up per week).  Make ups are scheduled at the discretion of the teacher.


f.       Cutting class (may not be made up)




    1. Students who are medically excused from participation are required to take all  written quizzes and performance assessments, and meet with their regularly scheduled Physical Education class on a weekly basis.




3.   Students who can NOT participate in physical education due to injury are prohibited from       participation in school sponsored athletics until medically cleared to return to physical          education class.




  1. Grading breakdown:
    1. Marking period grade:


a.       80% Preparation/Participation/Psychomotor Assessments:


1.      –10.0 points for: non-participation, cutting, or discipline removal


2.        5.0 points for: any acceptable excuse from class per day (absence)


3.        2.0 points for safety infraction (wearing jewelry, chewing gum) per day


4.      -   1-5 points for lack of effort (participation) and/or psychomotor assessment     (demonstration of activity related skills and procedures) per day


5.      Up to + 2 points  for exemplary effort or cooperation


b.      20% Cognitive Assessments:


The average of a written activity quiz and a performance assessment per marking period


    1. Final Grade:


Each student’s Final Grade will be determined by the following formula:


50% Marking Period 1 + 50 % Marking Period 2




  1. Physical Education Study Guides and Medical Reports:


Activity Study Guides and Medical Report forms are available to students for viewing and downloading off of the Cherokee Physical Education Home Page. The directions for access are listed below:


    1. Go to the Cherokee Home Page
    2. Click on Departments
    3. Click on PE/Health
    4. Click on your grade level
    5. Select the study guide or click on the appropriate medical form that you wish to access.



I have read and understand the above information. I realize that I am responsible for my own valuables, that I need to provide my own combination lock to secure them during class, and that I am expected to remove them at the end of the physical education period. I am aware that failure to comply with this procedure could result in the theft of my valuables. Furthermore, Cherokee High School and the Lenape Regional High School District will not be responsible for my loss of personal items if they are stolen.






________________________________________                                                    ______________


                                Student’s Signature                                                                                                                                  Date








________________________________________                                                    ______________


Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature    (Required for freshmen & transfer students ONLY)                                                                             Date




                                                                                                                                                                                                Revised 08/2015